
Research Axis Seminars and Invited talks PhD Students  /  Postdoc

Research Axis

  • Coding and Decoding for MIMO systems using algebraic tools and lattice theory
  • Cooperative Communications (synchronous and asynchronous)
  • Lattice coding and decoding for Physical Layer Network Coding
  • Coding for Optical Fiber Communications: polarization, wavelength, and modal multiplexing
  • Digital Signal processing for Satellite Communications.

Seminars and Invited talks

  • November 2020: IP Paris Electrical Engineering AI Day, “Deep Neural Network assisted Sphere Decoder”.
  • November 2020: Telecom-Paris Journées Partenaires Entreprises, “Innovation technologique : être ou devenir chercheur inventeur”
  • February 2020: Keynote speaker at Research days of École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis- SupCom Tunis, “Technological innovation: the vision of a researcher-inventor”.
  • November 2019: Invited paper to OSA Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Chengdu, China, “Performance Enhancement Techniques Based on CDL-impaired Multi-core Fiber Channel Model”.
  • October 2019: Network World Forum From Huawei at Chengdu, China, “MIMO coding for Multi-core Optical Fiber Communication”.
  • September 2019: GDR-ISI Workshop at Paris, “Advanced MIMO Coding Techniques for SDM Optical Fiber Communication”.
  • April 2019: Huawei Paris Workshop, “Advanced MIMO Techniques for Optical Fiber Communication”.
  • September 2018: Nokia Workshop, “Overview of Multi-User MIMO Communication”.
  • January 2018: Seminar at Digicosme Workshop, “Multiuser Communication Systems: From MIMO to Network Coding”.
  • June 2017: Seminar at COMELEC Department, Telecom ParisTech, “Low-Complexity Decoding Schemes for MIMO systems”.
  • May 2017: Seminar at Digicosme Workshop, Telecom ParisTech, “MIMO Coding for Optical Fiber Communication.
  • April 2015: Seminar at LPADE laboratory workshop, University Paris 5, “Multiuser Communication Systems: From MIMO to Network Coding”.
  • November 2012: Seminar at Sup’com Tunis, Tunisia, “Cooperative Communication”.
  • December 2011 : Seminar at Sup’com Tunis, Tunisia, “Codage et Décodage algébrique pour les systèmes MIMO”.
  • May 2011: Invited paper on International Workshop on systems, signal processing, and their applications, Algeria, “On the diversity of the naive decoder “.
  • January 2009: Seminar at IIsC Bangalore, India, “Algebraic decoding for CDA based Space-Time Codes”.
  • November 2008 : Seminar at Sup’com Tunis, Tunisia, “Coopération pour systèmes de communications sans fil”.
  • November 2008 : Seminar at Sup’com Tunis, Tunisia, “Décodage pour les systèmes MIMO”.
  • November 2008 :  Seminar at École Normale Supérieure de Pise, Italie, “Algebraic Space-Time

PhD Students 

  • Thomas Chêne, Defense scheduled Avril 2025, co-supervised with Dr. Hadi Ghauch
  • Joana Girard-Jollet, Defense scheduled Avril 2024, co-supervised with Jean-Christophe Antona (CIFRE ASN)
  • Perrine Lognoné, Defense scheduled October 2024, co-supervised with Jean-Marc Conan (ONERA)
  • Aymen Ktari, Defense scheduled December 2023, co-supervised with Dr. Hadi Ghauch
  • Guillaume Larue, Defense scheduled December 2022, co-supervised by Orange
  • Aymen Askri, Defense in April  2021
  • Akram Abousseif, Defense in July 2020, Post-Doctorant at TelecomParis
  • Samet Gelincik, Defense in December 2019, Post-doctorant at INSA Rennes
  • Achraaf Ksiba, Defense in March 2018, Research Engineer at TCL
  • El Mahdi Amhoud, Defense in January 2018, Assistant professor at Université Mohamed 6, Morocco
  • Sarah Kamel, Defense in March 2017, Research Engineer at Huawei Paris Research center
  • Fanny Jardel, Defense in January 2016, Research Engineer at Nokia Bell Labs France
  • Elie Awwad, Defense in January 2015, Assistant professor at Telecom Paris
  • Asma Mejri, Defense in December 2013, Patent Engineer, Marks & Clerk France
  • Mélanie Plainchault, Defense in May 2012, Researcher at Total, France
  • Sami Mumtaz, Defense in February 2011, Research Engineer at Huawei Paris Research center France
  • Michel Nahas, Defense in December 2010, Assistant professor at Lebanese International University
  • Abdellatif Salah, Defense in July 2010, DSP Engineer at MEDIATEK at UK
  • Lina Mroueh, Defense in January 2010, Assistant professor at ISEP, France
  • Rim Ouertani, Defense in November 2009, Assistant professor at ISITC, Tunisia
  • Charlotte Hucher, Defense in July 2009, Research Engineer at Nokia, France


  • Chao Zhang, 1-year postdoc, from January 2020
  • Pengwenlong Gu, 1-year postdoc, July 2018 to August 2019
  • Asma Mejri, 1 year and a half, January 2014 to May 2015, Patent Engineer
  • Laura Luzzi, 1 year in 2010, Assistant professor at ENSEA, France
  • Mireille Sarkiss, 1 year in 2010, Assistant professor, Telecom SudParis, France